corporate social responsibility
Our company is proudly committed to corporate social responsibility and strives to make a positive contribution to society. Our active sponsorship activities and commitment to corporate social responsibility are an integral part of our mission. To date, we are proud to announce that we have invested more than 7 billion soums / 600 thousand US dollars in the implementation of a variety of projects and programs aimed at improving the quality of life of people and supporting communities.
Water supply
families now
have access to water
Our sponsorship of the districts helped provide drinking water to several districts of the Surkhandarya region.
We provided
1,480 mln soums
1 km
polyethylene pipes diameter
500 mm
housing construction and renovation
As part of our housing construction and renewal efforts, we renovated 24 apartment buildings in the Angor district and also built a house for a low-income family in the Kumkurgan district.
we have allocated
250 mln soums
for repairment of
apartment buildings
we have allocated
450 mln soums
to support more
10,000 families
in difficult conditions
during the pandemic
Youth support
The company is also actively involved in supporting youth. We purchased and donated tablets, laptops and phones worth 280 million soums, contributing to the education and development of younger generations. In addition, we allocated 103 million soums to pay for a contract for the education of 17 children of our company employees, supporting their desire for education and development.
We purchased
devices for
280 mln soums
103 mln soums
to pay for the contract
for education
17 children
employees of our company
Support of children with disabilities
Supporting children with disabilities is always at the center of our attention. In honor of the holidays, we allocated 424 million soums to support children with disabilities in the Surkhandarya region, calling for inclusion and equality.
we have allocated
424 mln soums
to support children
with limited
in Surkhandarya region
As part of our healthcare support, we provide sponsorship for surgeries and treatments.
we provided
110 mln soums for the operation on a citizen's liver
in Termez region
we provided
85 mln soums
for surgery in abroad of a citizen
of Termez
humanitarian aid
We do not limit our sponsorship to the borders of the Surkhandarya region and expand our influence to neighboring countries.
we sent
humanitarian aid
Afghanistan worth
300 mln soums
we sent
humanitarian aid
for people living
in hard to reach
places in Takhiyatash district of
the Republic of Karakalpakstan
300 mln soums
water saving technologies
Our involvement in supporting innovation and sustainability continues to grow. We have allocated 380 million soums to support a single-center for training specialists in water-saving technologies, located in the Termez region.
We provided
380 mln soums
for support
single training center
water saving
Support for unemployed women,
low-income families
2,248 mln soums were allocated to support youth, citizens included in the “Iron Notebook” and “Women’s Notebook” programs, as well as families with disabilities.
  • +998 95 515 16 13
  • info@zacluster.uz
  • Surkhandarya region, Angor district, Angor, A.Navoi, 10, Republic of Uzbekistan