ZAMIN ANGOR CLUSTER Uzbekistan invites ambitious, enthusiastic and energetic students and graduates of universities.

Students can take an internship at ZAMIN ANGOR CLUSTER - this is a chance to:
  • Gain valuable professional experience. You will be involved in real projects of the Company
  • Meet new interesting people, professionals in their field
  • Develop not only professionally: the company does everything possible to promote the personal growth of employees
  • Prove yourself and remain in the company in a permanent position

University graduates, depending on the specialty they receive, can maximize their potential in various company programs aimed at the effective development and professional and personal growth of new specialists.

Highly professional company managers will support you at every stage of your development in every function.
Criteria of personnel selection
We believe that it is possible to take a leading position in the market only if the company employs first-class specialists who are able to work with full dedication and enthusiasm, for whom work is a way of self-realization. We strive to create an organization that attracts, develops and retains the best of the best.

When deciding to hire a new employee, we strive to select the most talented candidates. We give preference to specialists from the largest companies producing consumer goods, and those who not only meet the requirements of the position, but also have obvious growth potential in the ZAMIN ANGOR CLUSTER.

Recruiting experienced managers is essential to our overall success. Our goal is to attract talented managers with extensive business experience, possessing both excellent technical skills and leadership qualities.

Other methods of replenishing the workforce include recruiting high-potential graduates from higher education institutions.

The process of recruiting new employees is based on a universal system for assessing a candidate’s potential, which is used by all departments of our company. This system allows you to make the most objective decision and evaluate the managerial abilities and personal qualities of a potential company employee.
Personnel selection process
The process of selecting candidates for vacancies for ZAMIN ANGOR CLUSTER includes the following stages:
  • A thorough analysis of resumes, which allows you to select those candidates who have the skills most relevant to the vacancy. We ask candidates to outline their job objectives in a cover letter or on the resume itself.
  • Testing, assessment centers for a candidate's managerial potential, simulation games and other well-known techniques designed to determine the candidate's technical knowledge and skills, as well as his/her management abilities.
  • Structured interview with representatives of the Human Resources Department. The purpose of the interview is to assess the candidate’s professional and personal qualities, as well as a short story about the company and answer the candidate’s questions.
  • An interview with the head of the department, which allows you to determine the candidate’s abilities in a specific area of activity.
  • A positive decision is made only if the candidate successfully passes all stages of the selection process.
  • +998 95 515 16 13
  • Surkhandarya region, Angor district, Angor, A.Navoi, 10, Republic of Uzbekistan